P7 team meeting in the office
P7 team meeting in the office

Are your cloud costs getting out of hand?

When businesses don’t have clear visibility and adequate monitoring of cloud usage, costs can easily get out of hand. Inefficient data storage management, underutilised serverless technologies and improper scaling strategies can lead to drastically inflated costs.

PolarSevens FinOps solution offers strategic financial oversight and cost efficiency to align your cloud investments with business growth.

FinOps – Mature Your Cloud Financial Management

P7 Long-term Cost Control - icon
Well-Architected Review

Feel your environment might not be supporting best practices? Our team
will work with your business to conduct
a thorough, complete, actionable, 
well-architected review.

P7 Automated Reporting - icon
Automated Reporting

Take the pain out of cost monitoring with monthly reporting on cloud spend and usage. Use these reports to measure and improve resource allocation and make informed cloud usage decisions.

P7 Smart Decision Making - icon
Smart Decision Making

Show teams what they spend and establish a cultural practice of identifying and optimising resource usage and cost. If you’re responsible for cloud usage,  you’re responsible for cloud costs.

P7 Maximise investments - icon
Maximise investments

Ensure every dollar spent on cloud delivers maximum value. With FinOps, gain insights into your cloud investments and align them with business goals. Prioritise projects that drive growth and refine your cloud strategy for optimal returns. It’s not just about spending less but spending wisely.

How FinOps works

P7 Inform - icon


We’ll thoroughly review historical cost graphs and identify the top services to optimise and key benefits. This is followed by a discussion on current and future usage patterns, current budget constraints and appetite for current investment to deliver future savings.

P7 Optimise - icon


In this phase, PolarSeven will execute everything jointly agreed on to optimise current savings and plan for future savings. Monthly reports will be set up to provide a basis for measuring the success of all optimisations.

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After the first month, we work with you to review reports, assess the effectiveness of optimisation opportunities and measure the outcomes. We’ll show you how to make adjustments to maintain cost optimisation best practices.

Cutting Legacy Infrastructure Costs by 50%: Streamtime’s Success Story

“PolarSeven didn’t just answer the problems that we were asking. They said, this is what you should be doing, and by doing that, it will answer those problems that you’ve got at the same time. It expanded benefits way more than what I asked for, thought of, or knew was possible.”


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