P7 Cloud interface
P7 Cloud interface

Strengthen your cloud management and security

Keep your data safe, stay compliant and customise an easy-to-use, multi-account AWS environment

AWS Control Tower

PolarSeven upgrades your cloud management experience with AWS Control Tower features:

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Landing Zone

Simplify the setup process and create a well-architected, multi-account AWS environment. Easily scale with your enterprise needs​​​​​​.

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Maintain compliance and security​​​​​​ with AWS best practice preventative and detective controls.

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Account Factory

Ensure new AWS accounts are set up with approved configurations and automated guardrails​​​​​​.

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Real-time monitoring of your AWS environment’s accounts, controls, and compliance status​​​​​.


P7 Well Architected Review - icon
Establishment of a new Landing Zone environment
P7 Well Architected Review - icon
Migration of existing accounts into the optimised architecture
P7 Well Architected Review - icon
A foundation that supports secure & scalable cloud operations

Ready to take your cloud foundation
to the next level?

Access greater security and more control with PolarSeven’s additional features

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AWS Single Sign-On (SSO)

Strengthen your security with fully integrated user authentication.

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Centralised security platform

Analyse security trends and assess your AWS environment against best-practice security standards.

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Continuous Integration & Deployment (CI/CD)

Accelerate software releases and reduce development risk through automation.

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Infrastructure as
Code (IaC)

Streamline cloud resource management to ensure consistency and compliance.

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Monitoring & Alerting

Elevate your platform with real-time monitoring of security, performance and website up-time.

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Who we’ve worked with

City_of_Melbourne_Horizontal logo
elumina logo
heyyou logo
hotmaths logo
IAM logo
livepro logo
neXtrack logo
NSW logo
PixevityLogo logo
Reading-Cinema logo
streamtime logo
Studentnet logo
Yarno logo
True-Alliance logo

PAM Case Study

To support plans for expansion, PolarSeven built Mediabank PAM a Control Tower Foundation aligned to the AWS Well Architected Framework. This removed technical debt and addressed issues of Security, DevOps, and scalability.

Make sure your foundation is solid – speak to our team today:

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